August 2010 – July 2011


Mark 10 years from the signature of Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union, signed on 7-th December 2000 in Nice.


– Idees Nouvelles Europe, France

– Progesti@, Spain

– European Information Center – Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria

–  Federation Europeenne des Ecoles, France

– Maison de l’Europe Bordeaux-Aquitaine, France



<< Charter 2010 >> is an information project for raising the sensitiveness regarding civil rights in Eropean Union and importance of fundamental document formulating the rights. It is an educational projectfor the enhancement of awareness of European identity and citizenship of young people (17-25 years old) , based on creating 6 trance-national videos to promote values which are supported by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union. During the project a conference in Nice will be held on the occasion of anniversary of Charter.

Click the link to download the project brochure



During the project 6 videos were created, each of them describes a part of the Charter. These videos are aimed at the general public, they can be used for pedagogical activities by teachers and informal instructors. Ideas how to use them can be found in pedagogocal slips in videos. You can get the special DVD free of charge in EIC office – “Bulgaria” Str. № 38 – Veliko Turnovo, phone number: 062 605050.


You can watch videos on-line, here:

Summary video with presentation about the Charter.

Video 1: Dignity

Video 2: Freedoms

Video 3: Equality

Video 4: Solidarity

Video 5: Recognition

Video 6: Justice


You can find the pedagogical slips to the videos in section “Publications”.

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