This project under programme MINERVA aims to create the European educational resource manager for cities, based on the knowledge that the city is the stage where education and training occurs. On the same stage exists many different type of active actors ( public administration, trusts, foundations, private undertaking, non-governmental organisation, musseums and others). They offer education programmes to the general public, especially for the kids at school. These organs represents cultural and educational agents on territory of the city.
Several times a year, these suggestions are collected and systematized by the city council through the preparation of programmes for the activities, drawn up in diferent formats with the purposes of facilitating the teaching team to access information and select the best education plan.
Project aims: creation and systematization of working methodology serving for:
First: determine and analyse school needs in cities and also the use of communicative and informative technology for access to education resources.
Second: identify possible resources existing in every city. Also to describe and evaluate the education activities, based on the opportunity to shift in one of the thematic fields, which are defined by the project partners: Culture legacy; Ecological education and Culture diversity and other fields typical for some cities: Science – Technology; Culture and art; Entertainment; Communicative and informative technologies; Sport and Health.