Archive for the ‘Useful Links’ Category

Dictionaries for concepts related to the EU

·          All concepts related to integration of a Bulgarian language.

·          Dictionary of the terms EU- related in 33 languages​​, including Bulgarian.

·          Online dictionary translation of terms related to integration. 18 languages​​, including Bulgarian. Managed with the help of the technical services of the national parliaments.

·          Dictionary of the European terminology, maintained by the EU translation services. 11 official EU languages.

·          English encyclopedic dictionary of the EU.

·          All terms related to the euro. (English only).

·          This is an Internet dictionary with brief explanations of many terms used in the debate on the European Union. You can also find many useful links.

Electronic documents from the EU and about it

·          Europe Direct – reader’s corner

·          How to obtain EU publications

·          Publications of the European Union a click away

·          Publishing of the European institutions

·          • EUROVOC

·          Access to documents and archives

·          LEX Web Catalog

·          Wikipedia – a free online encyclopedia.Many articles have Bulgarian versions including 264 articles devoted to the EU.

·          Catalogue system – Info Centre of the European Union.

·          List of the funds from the network of libraries “RESeau bib”

·          Website of the Central Library of the Commission

European institutions and bodies

·          European Commission – Bulgaria

·          European Parliament

·          Council of the EU

·          Court of Justice of the EU

·          European Court of Auditors

·          The European Data Protection Supervisor

·          European Ombudsman

·          European Central Bank

·          European Investment Bank

·          European Economic and Social Committee

·          Committee of the Regions

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